Network Scanner extravaganza! AIIM 2009

As product manager for the Fujitsu fi-6010N network document scanner I was extremely passionate about my product and never was this more apparent than at our industries largest trade show expedition every year, AIIM.

About AIIM

AIIM (Association for Information and Image Management) is the global community of information professionals. We provide the education, research and certification that information professionals need to manage and share information assets in an era of mobile, social, cloud and big data. 

Fujitsu 2009 Tech Suite

For the AIIM 2009 event we had rented a “Technology Suite” which was basically a private, upstairs meeting room which was away from the busyness of the expedition floor itself where you could host quite meetings and display technology solutions in a more relaxed environment.  Our network scanner was still a relatively new device at the time and was also a new market segment for us so it was decided that I could utilize the Tech Suite for whatever type of presentation I wanted to do.  So with the great help of my fellow employees and the fantastic cooperation of our software technology partners we did it up big!

The overall concept was extremely ambitious indeed.  What we planned was to setup a live network showing each one of our existing partner integrations.  There was no hocus-pocus, hypothetical or fake about these demonstrations.  Everything on display was production scan, capture, index and store into a repository.  Below are photos of the nine solutions demonstrated:

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1.  Drivve | Image
2.  Marex FileBound
3.  One Touch Global Integration Server (OTIS)

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4.  ABBYY TouchTo
5.  ImageTek Inofile
6.  Hyland OnBase

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7.  Notable Solutions (NSi) AutoStore
8.  Kofax Document Exchange Server (DES)
9.  KnowlegdeLake Capture

Were you at AIIM 2009 to see the display?  Do you have a comment on any of these solutions?  Which is your favorite?

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