• 2024 – Sincere Friendships, Giving Back and Setting the Record Straight
  • 2023 “compartmentalization” Year End Recap
  • Cleft Lip and Palate awareness
  • Memories of Mom and Matt

Neal Family Barnhouse Update, 07/29/2023

It’s been awhile since our kids latest update, so here goes: Bleu-Berry! Bleu, is our wonderful chill baby. She is a 6-year old rescue kitty and her days are spent mostly sleeping and minding her own business. Bleu is mostly active at night where she likes to cuddle with Mommy and be a big baby. She is strong as an ox with a great personality. Bleu is strong as an…


Gearing up for summertime activities

After another rather mild California spring weather-wise, we are gearing up for summertime activities of BBQ, going to the beach and other fun social events with our friends. This year, in particular, I think we will appreciate the simplest of activities more than ever because we had been so restricted on what we could do since my ankle injury last September. Brandee loves to cook and host events so I’m…


Our furry children update, 6/10/2018

Brandee and I continue enjoying being parents to our two dogs (Jack and Gracie) and one cat (Bleu). They are all a constant source of entertainment for us each and every day. Jack is getting much slower and less active in his old age but he seems happy and that’s what matters. We always give him extra special attention as he is the senior citizen of our bunch and he…


Camp Layman, Plumas National Forest, 9/20/17 – 9/24/17

Camp Layman, Plumas National Forest, 9/20/17 – 9/24/17 This year for our annual ‘guys’ camping weekend, the five of us headed up to a new spot we had never camped together previously. It was a gorgeous cabin-camping area called Camp Layman located in the beautiful Plumas National Forest. The destination of these yearly cabin-camping trips is always different and picked by our fearless leader, Frank-buddy.  I generally don’t pay any…


Summertime blues with Bella

Hey Honey-Baby, We miss you like crazy. Bella, we miss your sweet personality. We miss your prissy-attitude. We miss your overall demeanor and presence. You were such a large part of our daily lives for nearly 15 years. Summertime used to feel so energetic, fun and exciting with you. Somehow your positive feline-spirit shined thru and we had fantastic times. This summer has been different though. It’s been a difficult…


The Beekeeper (2024)

The Beekeeper (2024) movie with Jason Statham is one of my new all-time favorite movies because, surprisingly enough, this flick actually has a good moral storyline. So, needless to say, I was going to watch The Beekeeper eventually no matter what because I was looking for 2 hours of mindless Jason being a bad ass. However, what I got from The Beekeeper was very much the same Jason I love,…


2023 “compartmentalization” Year End Recap

2023 was the year that ‘was’. In other words, it just happened for me and 365 days later, life status for me has barely changed, but also, it has changed a whole lot. How’s that for a confusing Kevin Neal-ism? Let me explain. The year of 2023 was a year, for me personally, of few signification life events that I can recall. This is certainly not a bad thing, not…


Seeing Clearly

This week I’ve had this epiphany just to share an unvarnished version of my blog. As I stated in 2009 (https://www.kevinneal.com/blog/2009/02/) when I started my blog, being transparent was what I will do! So, against my resistance, I went to a local optometrist who was so wonderful! After talking with the him for nearly an hour, he assured me that simple age, and especially stress can negativity affect vision. I…