What I’m grateful for from the Year 2016

December 31

As the year of 2016 officially comes to a close tonight at 12:00:00.01 (yep, believe it or not there is an official one second added this year – it’s a “leap second”). Five things I am grateful for from 2016: 1. My wife and furry-kids are one more year aged, yet still contributing to Neal Home zaniness. 2. Business and Career modification has proven to be professionally, as well as…


Oklahoma Visit – December 2016

December 27

Home away from Home (Sallisaw, Oklahoma) I made a quick, last minute trip to Sallisaw, Oklahoma recently. Although Sallisaw has never been an official place of residence for myself nor my immediate family and I did visit there for a week at least once every year for my entire life. Sallisaw is where my Dad, Floyd Neal, and all of his incredibly kind family was from. This is truly my…


Kevin Neal Life Updates, 12/16/2016

December 16

I provided the last Kevin Neal Life Update on this post from 11/22/2016 so I won’t rehash older news and I’ll move right into significant updates since then.   Bellaringa slowly on-the-mend After a tremendous medical scare a few weeks ago, Brandee and I are glad to report that Bella seems to be slowing improving. We have no illusion that she will revert 100% to her kitten-like and somewhat vicious…