Kevin Neal Life Update, 10/30/2017

Since the end of last month when I sustained my ankle injury, life has been challenging. While I’m very grateful and fortunate because the injury could have been so much more worse, the truth of the matter is that I’m not a very patient person and the disruption to my normal routine has been difficult, to say the least. I’m very fired up for this upcoming week! Let me start…

October 30

Ankle injury – The Good, The Bad and The Ugly (September-October 2017)

This is a difficult story for me to tell but in the true spirit of my blog I have personally committed to sharing the good, bad and ugly about my life events. This experience has brought a lot of each emotion for certain. On the early afternoon of Saturday September 23rd, 2017, four of my good friends and I were enjoying the last full night of cabin-camping at a…

October 19

Camp Layman, Plumas National Forest, 9/20/17 – 9/24/17

October 11

Camp Layman, Plumas National Forest, 9/20/17 – 9/24/17 This year for our annual ‘guys’ camping weekend, the five of us headed up to a new spot we had never camped together previously. It was a gorgeous cabin-camping area called Camp Layman located in the beautiful Plumas National Forest. The destination of these yearly cabin-camping trips is always different and picked by our fearless leader, Frank-buddy.  I generally don’t pay any…