Our Furry Children

When we first adopted Jackson as a puppy from the local ASPCA, I was very concerned that he might pose a physical threat to Bella due to the inherent nature of his breed, not to mention his size. Obviously, I never had a thing to worry about.

February 26

Financial Fiasco

I would like to preface this entry with a few points: # 1) I had a feeling this day would come even though I’ve been trying to avoid it like the plague. What is this you might ask yourself? Well, it’s an all-out rant on my blog about the current fiasco transpiring in our financial markets and how “we” managed to get ourselves into this situation. I am sorry to…

February 26

The Evolution of Computing

The Evolution of Computing While it was refreshing trying to establish the tone of my blog and build the foundation of what I hope to share/discuss with those reading my entries, I never got to the point of what I had hoped to discuss. I guess that’s the purpose of blogging though. Whatever shape the post decides to take, then that’s the way it shall be. I could have continued…

February 17

Technology = Positivity

Abstract Despite the current economic situation and unprecedented turmoil in the financial markets, I remain extremely positive for the future. In particular, I continue to pay close attention to IT (Information Technology) spending and try to predict whether it might have a positive or negative impact as it relates to the industry I work, document scanning and Enterprise Content Management (ECM) solutions. This might sound a bit self-centered to those…

February 15

Cloud computing

Cloud computing seems like a major emerging market and opportunity for those who understand the technology.  I am eager to learn more and be involved in this trend.  Major technology companies such as Google, Microsoft, IBM, HP, EMC and others are investing heavily in this area.

February 8