2024 – Sincere Friendships, Giving Back and Setting the Record Straight

January 24

In this new year of 2024 there is a lot of interesting, if not very significant, life and professional events that I want to share, ‘for the record’. Some of these things you won’t believe. These are real back-room stories which some are from my experience in the ECM market, and other stories from my personal life, that I want to share to set the record straight.


2023 “compartmentalization” Year End Recap

December 31

2023 was the year that ‘was’. In other words, it just happened for me and 365 days later, life status for me has barely changed, but also, it has changed a whole lot. How’s that for a confusing Kevin Neal-ism? Let me explain. The year of 2023 was a year, for me personally, of few signification life events that I can recall. This is certainly not a bad thing, not…


Cleft Lip and Palate awareness

November 3

Children with serious cleft lip or cleft palate issues might suffer their entire lives with many problems including speech, dental as well as emotional ridicule because of their physical appearance.


Seeing Clearly

This week I’ve had this epiphany just to share an unvarnished version of my blog. As I stated in 2009 (https://www.kevinneal.com/blog/2009/02/) when I started my blog, being transparent was what I will do! So, against my resistance, I went to a local optometrist who was so wonderful! After talking with the him for nearly an hour, he assured me that simple age, and especially stress can negativity affect vision. I…

November 3

Memories of Mom and Matt

Sharen Neal and Matt Neal
October 21

This is a wonderful photo of my Mom and my youngest brother, Robert Matthew (a.k.a. “Matt”). These two had a really special relationship and while I miss them tremendously, it warms my heart to know that they are in Heaven together for eternity.