Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003)

UPDATE: I finally watched this movie a few times, accidentally, and my initial reaction was correct in that this flick is nothing more than a stupid thriller. No interesting plot, no good storyline, and just lots of gore. If you are looking for a mindless waste of 2 hours or so, then this is right up your alley. Overall, I didn’t expect much so I’m not disappointed in Texas Chainsaw Massacre but I think there could have been a really good movie out of this.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003)We started watching this movie…….ummmm, late…not sure how much we missed then I got distracted and can’t fairly evaluate the movie.  Therefore, I forgo the review for now and will update later.

It was, however, good “background noise” and the goriness was awesome from the few moments I watched.  Looking forward to a complete viewage!

About Kevin

I am extremely interested in both current events and the ever evolving world of technology. Business and finance have exceedingly become important areas to me, as well. Over the next few years, I hope to log many interesting personal views and opinions concerning important aspects of the world in which we live. Keep in mind that all content posted by me on this web site reflects only my personal views and opinions and not those of anyone else.
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