Life updates, 8/11/2018

It’s been a very busy last few months at the Neal Casa. We’ve been busy with life, business and reflection.

As I get older my dad continues to get smarter and smarter. He said time with friends and family is the most precious thing in life, and he was absolutely right.

RJ’s Legacy

RJ - A wonderful legacy of a decent person
RJ – A wonderful legacy of a decent person

We lost a great man this past month. RJ was 100 years young and he was really a wonderful man of decency. He was a hard-working guy from Arkansas who was such an inspirational person. RJ was a man of many, many talents including being handy with just about everything including chainsaws, automotive stuff, plumbing or sorting out every day life’s complications.

RJ was a dedicated family man and one of the humblest people I’ve ever met. Every time I would talk with RJ, or about him with others, I always learned some new and interesting activity that he was involved. It was really incredible that this wonderful man lived such a blessed life. I’ve heard stories about hound dogs, honey bees, BBQ and, most importantly, life lessons.

RJ had a special gift to deliver important life lessons without being dramatic. He was the epitome of paying-it-forward for his entire life. He was truly one of the good guys and I sincerely appreciate his friendship. He has left a great legacy and lasting impact on my life forever. God Bless you RJ and thanks for being the perfect person you are.

Five amazing things about this great man are:

  1. Wonderful family man with well-respecting children
  2. A great patriotic person with excellent respect for life, liberty and happiness
  3. Outstanding caretaker for his bee-hives
  4. Terrific knowledge of getting stuff done, know matter what is was
  5. …and most of all, the best guy to get general life advice that is so precious


Jackson Update

Our best buddy, Jackson
Our best buddy, Jackson

Brandee and my best buddy, our beloved Jackson, is starting to show his age. As always, he maintains a wonderful spirit and zest for living but his body is failing him and he’s lost a lot of weight recently due to his cancer or possibly diabetes.

We are watching him closely all hours of the day to keep him content and comfortable.

Jack has been our beautiful son since we adopted him in January 2006. He has brought us so much fun and joy. Jack was an amazing younger brother to his older feline sister, Bella. He is also such a wonderful older brother to his two nerdy younger sisters, Gracie and Bleu.

Please pray for Jack and his great spirit.  He is a very special Angel.

Here are several Jackson highlights I would like to share:

  1. He is such a sweet brother to his feline sisters, but he will ferociously defend them if a strange cat comes into our territory
  2. Jack loves to take car-rides and walks outside
  3. He never complains and just loves to be with others
  4. Jack likes peanut butter a lot and also likes when he gets bones to chew
  5. Jack loves to have big social events where family and friends gather together. He is a social butter-fly


Business Update

P3iD Technologies, Inc.
P3iD Technologies, Inc.

There are so many fantastic updates to the business that I can’t nearly share them all so let me just say this; we have established a business of Trust.

If you Trust then everything seems to find a way to work itself out. I am absolutely pleased at the wonderful people that are contributing their skills to build our great company. I am truly humbled by all the support. Also, I cannot express how grateful I am for the support of our fabulous partners.

I’ve had a vision, and openly shared this concept on social media for many years, of a collaborative technology ecosystem and it’s amazing to see it come in to play so quickly. As a quick summary let me please share:

  1. P3iD is now a California Incorporated Company
  2. P3iD has two outstanding additions to our Executive team who are making such a positive impact
  3. P3iD is officially a key contributing member of several technology organizations
  4. P3iD has a solid road map of products for sale now as end-user applications, OEM and for consideration for co-development projects
  5. P3iD is a major Technology Sponsor at an upcoming industry event

Overall, I could not be more pleased with the progress of the business!

As busy as I am, I still want to slow down and share the important things in life. These things are the terrific legacy of RJ. There is nothing more precious than the decency of such a person.

God Bless,


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