9/11: 15 Years Later

September 12

September 11th, 2001, was, with a single doubt THE most memorable day of my lifetime. It was absolutely surrealistic, like I was in the twilight zone, and certainly not in a good way.


Bella and Jack’s vet visit, 7/14/2016

Bella, our daughter/cat, and Jackson, our son/dog, went to the veterinarian today. A super, special thanks to our patience vet for his incredible compassion for our children. Also, great thanks to my wife for caring for our beautiful furr-babies. Brandee has, thankfully, provided the update below. “Update on the babies. Bella was up first. Weight: 6lb 14oz a loss of 1lb 11oz from 5 months ago. Heart rate higher than…

July 14

Life Updates 7/2/2016

Bella’s Shave As an annual ritual, and for Bella’s comfort, comes her yearly summer-shave. It’s quite a remarkable transition. Bella, with all her furr, weighs just over 7 total pounds. So she’s extremely tiny to begin-with. After shaved I can’t imagine that she weighs in excess of 6 pounds! She is so little but she is in wonderful health. She eats, drinks, terrorizes (her Mommy, Daddy and Brother) and most…

July 2