Kevin Neal Life Updates, 12/16/2016

December 16

I provided the last Kevin Neal Life Update on this post from 11/22/2016 so I won’t rehash older news and I’ll move right into significant updates since then.   Bellaringa slowly on-the-mend After a tremendous medical scare a few weeks ago, Brandee and I are glad to report that Bella seems to be slowing improving. We have no illusion that she will revert 100% to her kitten-like and somewhat vicious…


Neal’s giving Thanks in 2016

November 22

Here are some quick hit Neal Family highlights as of 11/22/2016 while we start to slow down a little bit from an exciting, hectic and amazing year to enjoy our Thanksgiving.   Bella and Jack’s furry tails (pun-intended) It has been another wonderful year of amazing times with our daughter (Bella) and our son (Jackson). While each of us has technically aged only 363-days since last Thanksgiving, as everyone knows,…


Veterans Day 2016

November 11

On this Veterans Day 2016, I wrote a series of short messages of appreciation of veterans I personally knew and posted them on my personal Facebook page to share their military story with others. On this particular webpage that you are reading now I have consolidated all these posts to share bried stories of these great hero’s. Scott Green: On this Veterans Day 2016, I pay respect to those Veterans who…


2016 Pre-Election Thoughts

This year, 2016, has certainly been an unusual election season. In both candidates, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, are the most unfavorable people to run for the United States Presidency. It’s amazing and, therefore, I would like to provide some of my personal thoughts and opinions on this Sunday, 11/6/2016, ahead of the decision to vote for our next President this upcoming Tuesday, 11/8/2016.   Locker-Room Talk Let me address…

November 6

Bellaringa Update 11/5/2016

November 5

BELLA, THE BEAUTIFUL: Brandee, Jack and I would like to provide a brief update on our daughter, Bella. Bella, for those that might not know is a 13-year old orange furr-ball tabby feline of fun-ness. She’s a great source of entertainment for our family. Some good, some bad and some down-right ugly. How something so small as her at only 7 pounds can inflict such damage on our household is…