Neal Family Barnhouse Update, 07/29/2023

July 29

It’s been awhile since our kids latest update, so here goes: Bleu-Berry! Bleu, is our wonderful chill baby. She is a 6-year old rescue kitty and her days are spent mostly sleeping and minding her own business. Bleu is mostly active at night where she likes to cuddle with Mommy and be a big baby. She is strong as an ox with a great personality. Bleu is strong as an…


Our furry children update, 6/10/2018

June 10

Brandee and I continue enjoying being parents to our two dogs (Jack and Gracie) and one cat (Bleu). They are all a constant source of entertainment for us each and every day. Jack is getting much slower and less active in his old age but he seems happy and that’s what matters. We always give him extra special attention as he is the senior citizen of our bunch and he…


Kevin Neal Life Updates, 11/18/2017

November 18

Kevin Neal from California (in the news) – #NotThatKevinNeal I need to make a quick Public Service Announcement before I get into my Life Updates.  I am not THAT Kevin Neal. On November 14th, 2017 there was a truly awful shooting where a lunatic, coincidently enough, named Kevin Neal and, also coincidently enough, was from California murdered several innocent people.  I do not know this person, never have and never…


Bleu-Berry update, 9/8/2017

September 8

However, today’s blog is about a Bleu update. It’s very difficult to share updates about Bleu, as much as I would like to, but it hurts because I always think about Bella. Nevertheless, here goes with a Baby Bleu update.


Furryth-of-July 2017

July 3

July 2, 2017 Dear my sweetest of furr-balls, Happy Furryth-of-July’s!!! As the 241st anniversary of the United States of America Independence Day is upon us I cannot but reflect on all those who have fought and sacrificed for our ‘Independence’. First, and foremost, I am so proud of my immediate family members that proudly served our country. Lynn, Gene, Carl and Leonard (left to right in the photo below), you…