Bellaringa Update 11/5/2016

November 5

BELLA, THE BEAUTIFUL: Brandee, Jack and I would like to provide a brief update on our daughter, Bella. Bella, for those that might not know is a 13-year old orange furr-ball tabby feline of fun-ness. She’s a great source of entertainment for our family. Some good, some bad and some down-right ugly. How something so small as her at only 7 pounds can inflict such damage on our household is…


Bella and Jack’s vet visit, 7/14/2016

Bella, our daughter/cat, and Jackson, our son/dog, went to the veterinarian today. A super, special thanks to our patience vet for his incredible compassion for our children. Also, great thanks to my wife for caring for our beautiful furr-babies. Brandee has, thankfully, provided the update below. “Update on the babies. Bella was up first. Weight: 6lb 14oz a loss of 1lb 11oz from 5 months ago. Heart rate higher than…

July 14

Bella’s injury Sept-14

When I started my blog in 2009 I made a personal commitment to share my life.  The Good, The Bad and some of The Ugly. While I’ve shared many of ‘The Goods’ there must be balance so I would like to share a recent scary recent experience with our cat (aka ‘daughter’), Bella Neal. First of all, I would like to announce that she seems well on her way…

September 28