A “cloudy” future for document capture

Hearing a phrase such as “cloudy future” immediately conjures up bad thoughts and gloom-and-doom scenarios.  However, in the case of document capture “cloud computing” is bringing extremely positive change.  In this post I would like to break down the basic components of “cloud computing” and explain how document capture into “the cloud” is appealing for several reasons including scalability, interoperability and usability.  Simply put, the “cloud” = Infrastructure + Content…

September 14

Document Capture from the user’s perspective

Sometimes it is not the technology itself that dictates either the success or failure of a particular technology.  I believe that the “user experience” helps drive adoption of a particular technology or ultimately will bring its demise.  Let me give you a few examples. Microsoft Windows:  Ask yourself this question; self: Was Windows the most robust and feature-rich operating system when Microsoft introduced Windows in the early 1990’s? Probably not, but…

September 7

私の日本語を体験 – My Japanese Experience

This week I made my fifth trip to Japan for business.  It had been two years since my last visit and each time I come I gain a greater admiration of the Japanese people. While I do enjoy seeing the sites and touring various areas of the country what I enjoy most is the interaction with everyday Japanese citizens in hotels, on trains or in restaurants.  They go out of…

February 27

Fun in the Sun & The “BurritoZilla”!

April 23

This weekend was fun. It’s the first signs of Spring coming and the weather is wonderful. Saturday was probably around the low-80’s at the high and Sunday was even better in the low-90’s is my best meteorological guess. Saturday we went out to get some household essentials but also some plants and herbs. Although we picked up a few herb plants, some of the stuff we want is a bit…