Eugene (“Gene”) Latimer 1916 – 2013

May 24

Eugene Latimer, born Sept. 23, 1916, was raised in a small community south of Sallisaw called Brent, OK. He graduated from Sallisaw High School and attended and played baseball for Connors State College in Warner. He later signed up for NYA (National Youth Administration), a WPA project where he served as president of the student body.


Cat Cake and Dog Cake for Brandee’s birthday

Brandee and I spent the last two wonderful days creating two cakes.  The inspirational theme was our animals, Bella the Cat and Jackson the Dog.  Bella’s cat cake is entitled: “Happy Furr-Day” and Jack’s dog cake is entitled” “Happy Bark-Day”. Below is a slideshow and a video of the wackiness!  Hover your mouse over the image below to navigate the photos.   IMG_0746 (QuickTime format video)

December 25

End of September, Beginning of October 2012 updates

Work: I’ve been very busy the last few weeks.  Most of it self-imposed work too but I like it that way.  I really, seriously can’t stand complacency and I see way too much of it, frankly. One of the projects I’m working on is a set of technical innovative solutions.  Some of these solutions are simple just put the piece-parts together kind of stuff which is rather easy for me…

October 13