Document Capture from the user’s perspective

Sometimes it is not the technology itself that dictates either the success or failure of a particular technology.  I believe that the “user experience” helps drive adoption of a particular technology or ultimately will bring its demise.  Let me give you a few examples. Microsoft Windows:  Ask yourself this question; self: Was Windows the most robust and feature-rich operating system when Microsoft introduced Windows in the early 1990’s? Probably not, but…

September 7

Capturing Opportunity, Technology = Positivity

I am very fortunate and blessed to be where I am now with my career in the document capture and enterprise content management (ECM) industry. I would not probably have planned it this way but it has turned out to serve me and, more importantly I would hope, those whom I’ve work with well. I have had the honor of being asked to blog a few entries for AIIM’s new…

April 11

私の日本語を体験 – My Japanese Experience

This week I made my fifth trip to Japan for business.  It had been two years since my last visit and each time I come I gain a greater admiration of the Japanese people. While I do enjoy seeing the sites and touring various areas of the country what I enjoy most is the interaction with everyday Japanese citizens in hotels, on trains or in restaurants.  They go out of…

February 27