One of my all-time modern day (2014) Pittsburgh Steelers players announced his retirement today, August 30, 2014.
He did it in-class just as he had done his entire career. He played hard, loved his team and teammates. However, it was clearly obvious that he loved the Steelers fans the most and the feeling is certainly reciprocated.
His own words are more perfect than anything I can write so here is his Facebook post from this morning officially announcing his retirement from the NFL:
“I have made the difficult decision to retire as of today. My love for my family and the need to be there for them outweighs my desire to play the game. I have missed too many experiences with them because I devoted SO much time to my career. My love for the game isn’t strong enough to make up for missing one more birthday or first day of school. I am retiring as a man who is truly grateful for all of his blessings. I am sincerely thankful to the people who have supported me over the years, first and foremost my family, the Rooney family and my Steeler family, also Mr. Brown, the Bengals organization and fans, and last but FAR from least, Steeler Nation. Thank you.”