Yokohama 11/18/13 – 11/22/13

I made my latest business trip to Japan this past week and while some things change, some things never change.  I might sound like a broken record from my previous trip-recap blogs but some things that never change, and which I totally admire, is the courtesy of the Japanese people.  Second is the absolute efficiency with which everything works.  Trains and bus schedules are often ‘on-time’ and a delay is…

November 26

私の日本語を体験 – My Japanese Experience

This week I made my fifth trip to Japan for business.  It had been two years since my last visit and each time I come I gain a greater admiration of the Japanese people. While I do enjoy seeing the sites and touring various areas of the country what I enjoy most is the interaction with everyday Japanese citizens in hotels, on trains or in restaurants.  They go out of…

February 27